Indymedia Italia

L'articolo originale e' all'indirizzo Nascondi i commenti.

Scansione articolo terroristico di Panorama
by paolo Saturday, Aug. 17, 2002 at 4:54 PM mail:

Ancora pił indecente di quello online. I titoli, le foto... tutta l'impaginazione č studiata per gettare merda su Indymedia e gli altri siti...

Scansione articolo t...
panorama-01.jpg, image/jpeg, 645x870

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info sugli autori
by Franti Saturday, Aug. 17, 2002 at 7:39 PM mail:

una breve ricerca in rete e scopriamo che Gianluca Ferraris scrive il suo PRIMO articolo, il primo articolo della sua vita, in data 29 novembre 2000 durante uno stage.
Leggete come descrive lo stage... che tenero.

Che caro ragazzo, lo stagista! Cosa fanno gli stagisti? Pendono dalle labbra degli intervistati....
Troviamo interessante ad esempio questo: dove scopriamo che e' il Sig. governatore azzurro Sandro Biasotti ad affermare che le br si infiltrano nel movimento noglobal prima di genova01.
C'era bisogno di informazioni rasserenanti, si sara' detto.

Ferraris e' evidentemente lo scudiero, il garzone di bottega, e allora concentriamoci sul buon Amadori.

Cosa dire del suo carnet giornalistico? La cosa piu' evidente e' la premonizione della morte di Marco Biagi
Amadori ha le fonti giuste. E' il colpo della sua vita... dice ucci ucci e il fatto succede. Bel colpo direi per uno specializzato nel *grande fratello*.

Interessante il pacco della droga di cui ha gia' parlato Fantom

Vi ricordate di quella schifezza che fecero contro livello 57 a Bologna, accusato :) di essere la centrale del terrorismo? Era lui.

Poi, la versione che da' il buon Amadori della notte della Diaz e' illuminante , ragazz* leggetela alla luce degli eventi successivi....

Altra notizia interessante e' questa:
>"I Carabinieri e la polizia hanno degli 'infiltrati speciali' che riferiscono nei loro rapporti su quello che viene detto alle riunioni del movimento. Sono agenti che da molti anni frequentano i centri sociali e i movimenti antiglobalizzazione. In certi casi vengono lasciati liberi di lanciarsi contro i propri colleghi in uniforme, durante gli scontri", racconta il giornalista Giacomo Amadori di Panorama. Egli ci rivela il suo stupore quando, nel corso della sua inchiesta, ha incontrato un agente infiltrato della Digos: "E' assolutamente insospettabile. Egli si č mimetizzato con un look post-punk fin nei minimi dettagli." Ed č lą nel bel mezzo del movimento.

tratta da una ricostruzione a caldo di Roger ROMAIN

Non mi risulta che pero' Amadori di questo abbia mai scritto...

Questo e' quello che ho trovato in mezz'ora.
Ma che bella personcina!
Un portavoce, piu' che un giornalista, mi pare.
Potrebbe avere piu' di una busta paga.... non sarebbe il primo.


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diffamazione siti controinformazione
by giovanni perrino Sunday, Aug. 18, 2002 at 3:59 PM mail:

E' evidente che la stampa addomesticata e di proprietą del beneamato presidente del consiglio e ministro degli esteri ad interim nonchč unto dal Signore faccia di tutto per censurare le voci contro la globalizzazione selvaggia che garantisce i poteri forti e l'alta finanza in barba a qualsiasi bisogno della povera gente del pianeta. Ma questi signori sappiano che non fanno altro che soffiare sul fuoco perchč chi non abbassa la testa di fronte alle ingiustizie ed agli insabbiamenti sistematici nonchč preventivi delle indagini che potrebbero mettere in cattiva luce l'elite al potere continuerą in ogni modo e con ogni mezzo (purchč non violento come quello delle forze dell'ordine e degli infiltrati nei cortei pacifici) a cercare di fare luce sulle vicende pił oscure di questo turpe Paese e non solo.LA SICUREZZA DEI CITTADINI SI GARANTISCE DIFENDENDOLI NON AGGREDENDOLI PER SALVAGUARDARE I MAIALI CHE GOVERNANO!

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Response from
by Chuck0 Tuesday, Aug. 20, 2002 at 3:29 AM mail: finds this sensational article by Panorama to be pretty hilarious because it is so absurd. It's quite a stretch to call Indymedia for that matter--websites for terrorists. It's a shame that Panorama couldn't bother to contact us via email before printing these interesting lies about our website. We've had a good relationship with other Italian media. webmaster, Chuck Munson, was interviewed by Diario in their July 25, 2002 issue ("Foto di gruppo con black bloc" by Mario Portanova).

We hope that our supporters and comrades in Italy will contact Panorama about this stupid and false article.

Chuck0 for


August 19, 2002 | number 2 | Dog Days of Summer edition

"I don't believe in charity. I believe in solidarity.
Charity is so vertical. I goes from the top to the
bottom. Solidarity is horizontal. It respects the other
person. I have a lot to learn from other people."
-- Eduardo Galeano

Welcome to the second issue of an irregular update on the project. We hope that this update can help you find new features and understand what is going on with this project. As the project grows and includes more and more volunteers, regular communication is becoming more important. has been causing trouble on the web since it went online in January 1995 as the Mid-Atlantic Infoshop. With over 3 million hits a month as of last year, is considered by many to be a valuable resource to the anarchist and anti-capitalist movements, as well as for thousands of people who are simply looking for alternatives to the current capitalist system. The website is graciously hosted by the server, which is part of a collective of anarchist and anti-authoritarian digital activists. The webmaster and coordinator of Infoshop is Chuck "Chuck0" Munson. The website is becoming more of a collaborative network project every day.



PrisonTalk Online
Facilitating communication between prisoners and their loved ones.

Anarchists in New York City
An online guide to anarchists and anarchist activities in New York City

Burning River Revolutionary Anarchist Collective
Anarchy in Cleveland, Ohio.



Consider supporting the project financially.



The News email list disseminates a range of anarchist, activist and alternative news, both from alternative and corporate sources.

Subcribe today!



What you don't know / What they don't tell you

The PDF version of a new two-page flyer that Chuck0 has created to promote alternative media to working people. It's a very simple idea–put together a list of alternative websites, magazines, and books on two sides of a flyer and distribute copies of the flyer to people on the streets. This simple idea has the potential to get hundreds of thousand of people to visit our websites and read our books and magazines. This should be available online later this week.



Infoshop Forums
Find an anarchist. Talk about burning issues in anarchism. Talk about anarchists and workplace organizing. A new bulletin board powered by phpBB.

Sacco and Vanzetti - 75th anniversary of their execution
A protest and commemoration happening this week in New York City.

Infoshop auf Deutsch
The german version of Infoshop is now interactive and allows you to contribute news (thanks to PostNuke).

An Anarchist Guide to Critical Thinking

Reader's Guide to Anti-capitalism
A guide to online articles on anti-capitalism and the anti-capitalist movements.

Fall Protests Against the World Bank and IMF
Another Infoshop guide to the upcoming protests.

Anarchist perspectives on the question of organization.

Anarchist perspectives on the question of activism.

Rethinking activism
A new series of articles from activists on the state of contemporary activism, its problems and what is being done right.

What is anarchy?

Technology Pages



Features that are in development can be divided into three categories: new pages and sections, new interactive services, and new feature content.

## New Pages and Sections ## S

ince the main focus of the webmaster this month is on the development of interactive web services, there isn't much to announce. Possible new pages include:

* Anarchism in the Philippines
* The Foolish Anti-Capitalist - A working person and her money is soon parted.
* Office of Homeland Insecurity - tracking the Bush administration's current wag the dog campaign.
* How to do an anarchist bookfair - in development at:

## New Interactive Services ##

Many of you are familiar with the popular Infoshop News Kiosk (, an interactive anarchist news service that runs on phpWebLog software. Other interactive features on include The American Gulag (prison news - and the Anarchist Librarians Web ( Several new interactive features are currently in development (thanks to the volunteers who are helping), which include:

* Non-English sections: The project that will migrate the non-English sections of Infoshop to an interactive news and content system (using PostNuke) is proceeding. The german subsite is now active ( and needs german-speaking volunteers. The site still needs some tweaking and development.

These new interactive subsites will allow native speakers to post news and content in their language. The goal is to make these sections more collaborative, so that collectives can be set up for each language. The interactive software will allow people to add news and will provide user accounts and some customization.

URLs for the new language subsites (not yet active):

* Anarchist Youth subsite ( This project will migrate the current "Anarchy Kidz" section to PostNuke by the end of August (just in time for the new Unschooling Year). Here the goal is to give anarchist and anti-authoritarian teens the ability to be involved in running and developing this section of Infoshop.

* Anarchist Matchmaker and Infoshop Rideboard: Other than having submission forms, these two features currently require much copying and pasting and general HTML wrangling from the webmaster. The goal is to set up these sections so they pull from a database, thus allowing different way to search and making the information instantly fresh. Completion date: by late August.

* Comprehensive link database: has thousands of links, which means that managing them all is a webmaster's nightmare. The goal of this project is to create one big database of links for the website, which would allow many different ways of presenting and organizing information. It would make it easier for people to add links, update links, and point out broken links. This will also allow Infoshop to provide more ambitious services, such as an alternative directory like Yahoo. The webmaster has been working on this project since last year and anticipates a completion date of late October.

You can see the Infoshop Alternative Directory right now at:


## New Content ##

This includes special features and e-books. Current examples include the "Love and Treason" section and the online edition of "Seizing the Airwaves."

The goal in the next few months will be to add new articles to the website. We'd also like to find volunteers to help put the "Field Guide to Monkeywrenching" online. We'd also like to turn more texts into PDF files.



First, some important, helpful pages:

Infoshop FAQ:


We can also use the following volunteer help:

* Help answering queries sent to See Infoshop-help list info below.
* Writers and columnists: We are always looking for more writers and columnists. We can't pay anything, but anything you write for us will be read by thousands of people. This is not an open invitation to people who can type rants, but who are sloppy writers. If you can't capitalize the beginning letter of a sentence and can't be bothered to use a spell checker, please reserve your precious gems for Instant Messenger.
* Graphics: We're always looking for graphics and volunteer artists
* Programming: Always looking for help with PHP programming. Also need volunteers to keep our PostNuke websites running.


The following lists are for Infoshop volunteers:

infoshop-ca :: spanish

infoshop-de :: auf Deutch

Infoshop-fr :: in French

infoshop-it :: in italiano

infoshop-pt :: portuguese Virtual Reference Desk
If you'd like to join a list to help answer Infoshop queries, please send an email to


We appreciate the grassroots efforts by folks to publicize the existence of this website, including whoever spraypainted "" on the sidewalks of Ontario. You folks make it possible for the Graffiti Abatement Squad workers to keep drawing paychecks. We also appreciate those of you who are leaving our URL on the walls of restrooms of fine vegetarian restaurants around the continent.

First of all, we'd like to ask people to help us publicize the existence of the American Gulag news site ( That service has so much potential.

Secondly, we need help getting word out about this website to average working people. We have a page with ideas and materials that can help with this at:


Unlike many big progressive political websites, does not receive any money from foundations or grants. While our financial needs are modest, anything you can contribute will help this project thrive.

See our summer fundraising appeal:

Donate via PayPal

Donate via snail mail:

Chuck Munson (make check payable to this name)
Practical Anarchy
PO Box 76930
Washington, DC 20013

MANY THANKS go out to those of you who have generously supported this project with your donations and words of support.

Contact the webmaster at:

Anti-copyright 2002

## END ##

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Siti nazi.
by Patty Wednesday, Aug. 21, 2002 at 8:29 PM mail:

Perchč PANORAMA non ha esteso la sua 'indagine' anche ai siti nazi ? Eppure eversivi e rivoluzionari lo sono! Oppure č una questione cromatica ? Piace pił il rosso ?

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Visto che Panorama e' cosi' informato...
by Valerio pj Saturday, Aug. 24, 2002 at 8:20 AM mail:

Visto che Panorama e' cosi' informato, potrebbe anche dirci da dove sono arrivati soldi che hanno permesso a B. di costruire Milano 2 e di alimentare le misteriose Holding Fininvest. Perche' qualche malalingua sostiene che B. riciclasse il tesoro segreto della P2 o, addirittura, i narcodollari.

valerio pj

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Grazie ragazzi. E Ferraris si becca una querela
by Luca Arnał, direttore di Italpress News Thursday, Sep. 11, 2003 at 1:18 PM mail:

Grazie ragazzi... ho visto per caso l'articolo di Ferraris su Panorama e l'ho trovato rivoltante. E solo grazie al vostro sito ho scoperto la relazione con cui sputtana pubblicamente lo stage fatto in agenzia da noi. Ma visto che le bugie hanno le gambe corte e che io personalmente sono stufo di mezze tacche che vivono cambiando bandiera (il signor Ferraris si č sempre detto antiglobal e comunista convinto, almeno fino a che Panorama non gli ha offerto qualche euro per i suoi articoli) e vista la mole di menzogne che ha scritto sulla nostra agenzia rea di non aver assunto un Indro Montanelli dei Poveri come lui, ho immediatamente incaricato il mio avvocato di querelarlo per diffamazione... magari non cancellerą l'articolo di Panorama, ma dimostrerą una volta per tutte che Ferraris č un bugiardo.

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